
Synopsis In Nostalgia, stored representations of data tend to take the form of one to one mappings to serialized data structures. Nostalgia uses this approach for game saves, creature definitions, world layout, and a good deal more. Representing this data in JSON allows for easy debugging, as it is a human readable data serialization format, however that convenience comes at a cost to performance and size. This cost is negligible on modern PCs, but it is completely unsuitable for such limited hardware as the GBA....

June 25, 2022 · 7 min · Gary Talent

Nostalgia Developer Handbook

Note: this document is a copy of a document in the Nostalgia repo and will periodically be updated. Last updated: 2024-05-29 Nostalgia Developer Handbook About The purpose of the Developer Handbook is similar to that of the README. The README should be viewed as a prerequisite to the Developer Handbook. The README should provide information needed to build the project, which might be used by an advanced user or a person trying to build and package the project....

February 23, 2022 · 13 min · Gary Talent